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Creating Resolutions

Once a class implementing ICheck has identified that the current user's machine is not correctly set up for the plugin or project, it is the job of resolutions (classes implementing IResolution) to fix the issue.

Resolutions should be written so that a user has to do as little as possible to fix the issue discovered by an ICheck class. For example, if it is the job of a class implementing ICheck to verify that a user's machine has Node.js installed, when it fails it could present the user with different resolutions all to install Node.js in different ways.

Creating a Resolution

Using a similar API to IChecks, a resolution is a class that implements the IResolution interface.

public interface IResolution
string Name { get; }

Task<ResolutionSuccessAction> Run(CheckFailureException checkFailureException);
  • The Name property is a friendly name for the resolution that will be displayed to the user
  • The Run method is where the functionality of the resolution is implemented

Return Type

Once a resolution has been successful in resolving the issue discovered from a check, the return type will determine how the GetSetUp CLI responds. The return value is a value from the ResolutionSuccessAction enum.

public enum ResolutionSuccessAction
  • RetryCheck will prompt the GetSetUp CLI to re-run the check that failed to see if the resolution was successful
  • Continue will prompt the GetSetUp CLI to continue running the following checks, blindly assuming the check was successful

Typically we suggest returning RetryCheck from a resolution, to ensure that any further issues are discovered and resolved before continuing.


A check can only be retried twice, for a total of three attempts. After that, the resolution will be marked as failed in the results summary and when the CLI exits it will use a non-zero exit code.

Throwing Exceptions

Even if a resolution is successful, the continuation of other checks (from either the same plugin or others) is not always the desired next behaviour.

Associating Resolutions with Checks

Resolutions are associated to checks using the WithResolution builder method chained into CreateCheck within your plugin's ConfigureServices method.

public class MyPlugin : IPlugin
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

In the example above, if the Check class throws a CheckFailureException, the GetSetUp CLI will prompt the user to run either the ResolutionOne or ResolutionTwo resolution.